
How many dark brotherhood forever quests are there
How many dark brotherhood forever quests are there

how many dark brotherhood forever quests are there

I released Cicero from my party and just let him go back to his sanctuary and cleaning and oiling Mother's dead carcass. This was my best option as I chose to start playing this thread at first but later regretted it but couldn't make it stop. I looked at my quest log and I had thirty four completed quests listed, and NO MORE new ones! Mother was done! I didn't have to kill one more person or travel all over the map and back, and I was rid of the quest being in my log as well as it FINALLY marked it as complete! :) Also, I decided to install and play "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood 2" (by yuredew - ) and that gave me "closure." It's a great mod with some great and fun quests (you better be pretty powerful or have several companions for it) and by the end I got to kill the whole lot of 'em! Sure, it was a little funky in that I had Cicero in my party and I had already opened up the Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood sanctuary since I had joined them, so I ended up with a second Cicero (who fought "my" Cicero in a hard core fight until I finally stepped in and killed the 2nd Cicero) and it meant I had an entrance to the mod's sanctuary left with all the dead bodies and mass destruction, AND "my" cleaned up sanctuary with Nazir in it, alive and well, but it meant I had been able to stop the madness and the murders and also destroyed the entire brotherhood and Mother and all its nasty villains except Nazir.

how many dark brotherhood forever quests are there

After some minutes, I realized it was no longer asking me to go see mother. Yes, I did this about 100 times in a row, kind of quick. The point is, every time I ended the conversation with Mother and then ended the contract by doing this, it would put me further down "the list" of contracts. I entered the same string AGAIN and hit enter and that ended the murder part. That would end the part of the quest where I'm talking to the Night Mother and I was again supposed to do the contract. So in the console, I hit the "up" arrow to re-enter setstage dbrecurring 200 and again hit Enter.

how many dark brotherhood forever quests are there

It ended that individual murder/quest and then it went back to asking me to go see the Night Mother. So I stood in front of the Night Mothers coffin, called up the console (`) and typed setstage dbrecurring 200 and hit Enter. But I thought to myself: can the programmers have made an endless loop? That would be lame since they'd start completely repeating. This forces it to complete, but then what happens is that the Night Mother calls you again for the NEXT contract (because it only kills the current contract not the entire quest). Like FeralChimp said five years ago, you can use setstage dbrecurring 200. Actually, you CAN "kill" this string of pointless quests.

How many dark brotherhood forever quests are there