Abortions will be available to have done by a doctor.
This feature will support the mod Basemental Drugs.
Miscarriages could occur randomly through bad luck or by your sims doing actions harmful to their baby's health.
New items that both have special functionality and work well as decorative clutter.įeatures Coming Soon These features are planned to be added very soon.
Use the cycle tracker phone app to keep track of fertility and menstruation.
(Increase pregnancy length to better experience this feature) (Better support for this coming in the future)
Allows your sims to get pregnant and leave who the real father is a mystery to you.
Condoms, birth control pills, pregnancy tests, and morning-after pills are all available to be used by your sims.
Regular woohoo is now dangerous, sims must now buy protection, avoid woohoo on fertile days, or risk it with the withdraw method.
Teenagers can now get pregnant through their 'mess around' interaction if they are not careful.
Pregnancy can now only start if a sim woohoos while fertile.
Adds negative moodlets that can appear when a sim starts their period.
Adds a nuanced simulation of the menstrual cycle to sims who should have one.